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2020-05-12 10:24:38







  (来源 人教版教材)


  Teaching Aims:

  Knowledge Aim:

  Students can master the usage of some new words, such as afraid, happy, sad and so on.

  Ability Aim:

  Students can retell the passage by using pictures and key words after reading.

  Emotional Aim:

  Students can have a good eating habit and love our English class.

  Key & Difficult Points:

  Key point: Students can master some words about ones’ mood learned today.

  Difficult point: How to describe these feelings correctly in their life.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Warming up

  1. Greet students.

  2. Guess game: Give students some key words like: small, black, strong, under the ground and so on. Then let students guess. They may find the answer is ant.

  3. The teacher will let students share their expressions about ants and create a situation that small ant one day helps our friend Robin. Then invite students to read the short story.

  Step 2 Pre-reading

  1. The teacher will create a situation that we are in a supermarket, and we happen to meet something unpleasant. Ask some students to act as each character in that situation, and let them describe their feelings about what happened to them.

  2. Then the teacher will ask other students to talk about their impressing experiences, and how they felt at that time.

  Step 3 While-reading

  1. Let students read the passage as quick as possible in 2mins and answer the question: What does the story tell us? And invite some students to share their ideas.

  2. Let students read the passage carefully in 5mins and try to number the pictures on the book.

  Step 4 Post-reading

  1. Let students fill in the blank to complete the sentences on the book according to the passage. They have 3mins to do. Then they will exchange their books with their desk mates and check for each other. And the teacher will invite some students share their sentences, and the teacher will give some proper feedback.

  2. Give students 5mins try to retell the passage in their own words according to the sentences on the book. They can practice with their partners. Then one student will be chosen to retell the passage to the class.

  Step 5 Summary & Homework

  Summary: The teacher will summarize what have learnt today with students together according to words and sentences on the blackboard.

  Homework: Students will share their recent experiences and their feelings about them with their parents.




  (来源 人教版教材)


  Teaching Aims:

  1. Students will be able to read and write the words of the twelve months.

  2. Students will be able to master the ordinal numbers and their abbreviation forms.

  3. Students will be able to master the sentence patterns “When is your birthday? It’s…”.

  4. Through cooperation and discussion, students can get to know how to express the dates exactly.

  5. Through cooperation and discussion, students can talk about birthdays with their friends.

  6. Students can get more interests in caring about others and their birthdays.

  7. Students can improve the consciousness of creating a harmonious class.

  Teaching Key Points:

  1. Get students to read and write the words of the twelve months.

  2. Get students to read and write words about ordinal numbers and their abbreviation forms.

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  1. How to make students read and write the words of twelve months correctly?

  2. How to make students master the rules of changing cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers?

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Warming up and Lead-in

  1. Daily greeting.

  2. Sing a month song with the tape together. Lead in the topic.

  Step 2 Pre-listening

  Activity 1 New words about twelve months.

  1. Present the pictures about special days of each month. Get students to guess the month.

  2. Enable students to read the words after the tape one by one. Stress the pronunciation. Ask students to read the words in different ways. Use formulas to deepen the students’ impression.

  3. Divide the students into two groups. Play the “challenge your memory” game: remember the words that the teacher shows. Say aloud in the right order.

  Activity 2 New words about ordinal numbers.

  1. Ask students “what is your telephone number?” to revise the cardinal numbers. Show the cardinal numbers on the screen. Present the related ordinal numbers. Get students to read them after the teacher.

  2. Explain the different usages between them. Ask students to observe and summarize how the ordinal numbers change. Conclude the formula to help students to remember.

  3. Present the abbreviation of the ordinal numbers and explain them to the students.

  4. Present different dates in Chinese and ask students to say in English.

  Step 3 While-listening

  Listen to the tape for three times and number the conversations. And then check the answers.

  Step 4 Post-listening

  1. Enable students to work in pairs and make conversations to talk about birthdays.

  2. Ask students to work in groups of three. Design a special day for their groups including the name, the date, the things they can do and the reason. Then make a poster. Choose students to come to the front and introduce their posters.

  Step 5 Summary and Homework

  Summary: Ask students to act as an assistant teacher to conclude what we have learned this class. And then make a summary.


  1. Read the new words after the tape. Prepare for tomorrow’s word salon.

  2. Get students to ask their fathers’ and mothers’ birthdays and write a short article using the knowledge learned this lesson.

  Blackboard Design


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